Stress - What is it?

Stress is a physiological response connected to an external event. In order for the cycle of stress to begin, there must be a stressor. This is usually some kind of external circumstance for example pressure from school, sport or relationships. Stress occurs when we perceive that experiences in our lives are more that we can cope with.

Healthy versus Unhealthy Stress?

Although we are used to hearing that experiencing stress is bad thing, something that is to be completely avoided at all costs – that is not entirely true. Not all stress is harmful but in fact stress can sometimes be a positive and motivating force. Having no stress in our lives can makes us inactive and bored whereas a little bit of stress can be good for us. A healthy amount of stress can help us do things in our best interests, such as study for exams, and perform to the best of our ability when playing sport.

But while some stress is good for us and motivates us, too much of it can be unhealthy for us. Unhealthy stress can feel like that the demands on us are more then we can cope with – making us feel out of control, tired, worried, anxious, angry and completely exhausted – but often we just keep going nonetheless.
Three things that can help you manage stress


Take time to rest and have fun

It’s important to take time for ourselves to enjoy life, to do what we love and have some fun. Especially when we are feeling stressed. Rest and play provide us the opportunity to clear our heads, process emotional experiences, and sort our thoughts. Although we might not be directly focused on the processing and sorting of thoughts, quite often it happens indirectly.

Note 3 things that help you recharge your batteries

Note 3 things you love to do that you and enjoy and is fun


Self Care

Self-care is essential when we are feeling, stressed, worried or anxious. Having a good self-care routine has been proven to reduce or reduce stress, eliminate anxiety, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy.

Using the self-care wheel reflect on your self-care and consider possible improvements in your self-care.


Get clear on what is triggering my stress and identify what I can and can’t control